Pixie is from my last Shih Tzu puppies out of my Teka and a male from my friend in Canada of My Dream Shih Tzu, and she fits her name. She is a smaller girl, but so very balanced and a lovely mover. She had a carefree coat, blending brindle coloring with red, seldom needing brushing and just never tangling. She has the sweetest personality and I often ‘catch her’ just looking at me, watching me. She loves to snuggle, never does anything wrong, and has the cutest habit of “singing” once a day, usually in mid-morning for about 5-10 seconds. Other than that little song, she is as quiet as a mouse and oh so sweet.
Click here to see more photos and a pedigre of Pixie
Bubbles is also an Allie daughter, sired by Yogo. She is a gold and white with lovely dark markings. She has a beautiful face like her father, Yogo. She is good-natured, super affectionate, outgoing, and loves everyone. She never got to show (not her fault) but she is still a star! She loves helping teach dog training classes and is a great little demo dog. She adores anyone who will give her attention, and lets children pack her around like a rag doll.
Click here for more pictures and a pedigree of Bubbles
CH Sapphire’s Champainge and Deja Vu

Pretty DeJa
DeJa is a Bubbles daughter, her father is Smooch. She is a very ‘in your face’ girl and willwrap her front legs around your neck and give hugs. She is great in helping teach classes, just like her mommy, Bubbles. She has a lot to say and is very active. She also loves to snuggle. She is headed for dog sport competition.
Click here to see more photos and a pedigree for DeJa
Melody, a Shih Tzu puppy born in 2015, is a Coco and Remington daughter. She is smart and incorrigable like her father, but also very affectionate. She is named after the Montana State song, the Montana Melody.
Click here to see more pictures and a pedigree of Melody.

Tiffany New Champion, 3rd major win
Tiffany is a daughter of Lacy and Remi. She is a ball of confidence and enthusiasm. She is also very snuggly. After obtaining her championship, she began helping me teach Rally-O classes, and is a natural. In the show ring, she was almost like a racehorse out of the starting gate. She knew what to do and could hardly wait to do it. She has lovely movement, so when she drove out, the judges couldn’t stop looking.
Click here to see more photos and a pedigree of Tiffany

Sunny at her 1st photo shoot
Sunny is a lovely silver and white. Her mom is Coco and her daddy is Yogo, so she is a 1/2 sister to both Melody and to Bubbles. She has amazing coat; she just doesn’t tangle. Her mom, Coco, is the same way. She has a quiet gentle personality, is very snuggly and has the largest soft eyes. Her 3 offspring championed before she did, but she raised them in full show coat….amazing! Because I hadn’t shown her as a young dog, when I 1st began showing her, I thought, ‘oh, I’ll just use her as a filler.’ but after some shows she got better and better in the ring, and by the time she became a champion, she was amazing, just lovely in her presentation.
Click here to see more pictures and pedigree of Sunny
CH Sapphire’s Sunkissed, “Daisy”

Daisy Major win
Daisy is a Sunny daughter and sired by Gr Champion Soaring Spirit Hunk of Burning Love. She is a full sister to both Logan and Granite (her brothers). She is a very busy and enthusiastic girl, and always seems to have my hand in her mouth. It is impossible to fold laundry with her in the room. She doesn’t take no for an answer to anything, slips thru open gates and doors so fast you can’t stop her, and is always into something. She likes to lay in the toy basket so no one else can have a toy. She is a bit longer legged than some of my other girls and is very athletic. I can’t seem to keep her off the agility equipment outside, so have had to block the contact obstacles. She has no fear of climbing and will just go up and over the teeter-totter without being cued: cute, but not safe.