If you are looking to add a quality Shih Tzu Puppy here in Hawaii to your family, I would love to help you. My Shih Tzu Puppies for sale are all raised in my house and are part of the family. All my Shih Tzu Puppies for sale and sold as pets come with a health guarantee, AKC limited registration a spay/neuter requirement and lifetime support from me, your Hawaii Shih Tzu breeder. I do not sell dogs for breeding purposes. Because I am a certified positive reinforcement dog trainer my Shih Tzu Puppies get lots of behavioral training during each developmental stage as they are growing, beginning at birth.
If you are outside the area, dogs can be shipped at certain times of the year, and I will be available by phone to help you with your new Shih Tzu Puppy’s manners. Many of my Shih Tzu Puppies for sale are sold before they are born, so reserving a puppy ensures you will have the quality puppy you want from my next litter. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me and/or fill out the Buyer’s Quesionaire
I occasionally have Shih Tzu puppies for sale available as show prospects, and I occasionally have a retired adult to place in a loving family home.
December 2022: I have litter of puppies availble that will be ready to go in early February 2023. If you are interested, please phone me at 406-270-5382.
Why Should I Reserve a Shih Tzu Puppy?
Families usually like to get Shih Tzu Puppies at a few weeks of age so they can enjoy each stage of the puppy’s development. The odds of my having a Shih Tzu Puppy of the perfect age just waiting for you to call me is slim, and as a reputable breeder, I don’t, nor could I, possibly do a responsible job breeding as many litters as would be required for this to be the case. That would make me a “puppy mill”.
What age Does My Shih Tzu Puppy Need To Be?
The recommendations of The American Shih Tzu Club is 12 weeks of age. I will however, if the individual puppy is emotionally mature enough, allow it to leave a week or two sooner, depending on the situation. I find that many are ready by 10 weeks of age. Shih Tzu Puppies taken from the mommy too young often display fear behaviors because, while they may not need mommy to nurse for nutritional reasons, they need her for emotional ones as well as to teach them how to be a dog, have dog manners and know doggy etiquette. Furthermore, the Shih Tzu Puppy’s bonding period is not until between 9-12 weeks of age, so you won’t miss having your puppy bond with you.
Will my Shih Tzu Puppy be Wormed and Vaccinated?
Yes, your Shih Tzu Puppy will have had 2 separate wormings with Pryantel for roundworms and homeopathics nosodes for Parvo, Distemper, Influenza, and Kennel Cough. Please see the following information on Vaccinations and notice the studies done by the vaccine companies themselves on the effectiveness of early vaccines. This article will explain why I will not have given your puppy his/her vaccination puppyshots, at such a young age, before your puppy is ready for you to take home, and I hope will also help alleviate your concerns about this. Let me repeat again that the puppy will have been given homeopathics, which are extremely effective, for these diseases to help protect your puppy until he/she is old enough to recieve a vaccine injection.
What Does My Shih Tzu Puppy Come With?
Your Shih Tzu puppy will come with a new baby blanket that smells like mommy and a new toy that smells like its siblings. I will have the homeopathic vaccines for you that your dog will need to keep it up-to-date on it’s vaccines; these are administered orally and are easy for anyone to do. Your puppy will also have a chew bone, some dog food, samples of supplements I recommend, the contract/health guarantee and the spay/neuter agreement printed out and signed by all of us. I will e-mail you a Shih Tzu Puppy packet of helpful information and training tips, video links, etc. Your puppy’s registration papers will arrive in the mail to you a few weeks after you pick-up your puppy. I do the registrations on-line for you, there-by saving you money and ensuring the puppy gets registered.
What Type of Development Work is Done With My Shih Tzu Puppy?
I train babies beginning at birth using Puppy Culture methods, by Jane Killion and Dr. Carmen Bataglia. I lay a training foundation using Puppy Start Right by Ken Martin, DVM and Debbie Martin, CPDT-KA. As a professional trainer myself, I strongly believe early training, and in fact all training, is essential.
Your Shih Tzu Puppy will be exposed to many different types of sounds including thunderstorms, rain, children playing and other dogs barking, all sorts of textures, materials, different footings, and a variety of play objects. House training is started; tho they are too young to have control, they will have a clear separation of play, sleep and potty areas. They will have experienced wearing a collar and dragging a leash, start to learn to come and to follow, not to jump up or bark for attention, be polite when being petted, an introduction to being bathed and groomed, and be comfortable with being handled. They will also be exposed to group play with adult dogs of various ages and sizes and will have a good start in learning how to speak “dog”.
What Does Lifetime Support Mean?
It means that I, your Shih Tzu Puppy’s breeder, am available for you to call with questions, for advice, information, with concerns, etc. If, for any reason, you are ever unable to keep this Shih Tzu puppy, regardless of its age, I will take it back and help find it a new loving home. I feel that I, the breeder, have chosen to bring this Shih Tzu puppy into the world and as the breeder I am obligated to do all I can to ensure the best possible future for this dog, both in my house and yours, for the life of this dog.
What Do I Need From You? I will need to know the following: Who is your veterinarian? Name and Phone Number? Who is your Groomer? Name and Phone Number?
Supplies you will need before the puppy goes home with you? *The Spay/Neuter contract and the Health Guarantee signed with all your contact information *Required Food Supplements from Nature’s Farmacy *Agreed upon Dog Food * Puppy Pens as Needed for Indoor Play/Containment, Outdoor Play/Containment *Crate for Sleeping and House Training *Travel Crate *Puppy Beds, Blankets, Toys, Crate Pads, Dishes, Place-mat for Dishes, Water Bowl or Bottle *Grooming Supplies including Brush, Comp, Nail Trimmer or Dremel, Shampoo, Conditioner *Assorted Chew Bones, Snuffle Mat, Food Puzzle Toys, *A Training plan, using positive reinforcement training, not balanced training, agreed upon between you and myself, beginning with puppy classes and continuing on for multiple training classes.
If you have not prepared to bring the puppy home in advance, it will not be allowed to go home with you.
Why Should I Fill Out a Questionaire?
As a reputable breeder, I have brought this Shih Tzu puppy into the world. It has no say as to its future. I am the only voice it has to ensure that it is placed in a secure, loving environment. All Shih Tzu Puppies for sale are precious to me, and I do everything I can to ensure that they all have a happy, healthy life. To this end, I carefully screen anyone interested in one of my dogs.
I would like to add that before buying a puppy anywhere else, ask the sellers:
*Will they be available to help you with any questions or concerns for the life of the dog
*Will they be ready to help with house training advice or help
*What if there is a behavior you don’t understand, or a situation you are not sure how best to handle… are they going to be there for you, or are they simply taking your money and wishing you and your new baby a happy life, as if it is of no concern to them.
When you buy a puppy from a reputable breeder, you are forming a relationship with that breeder and are, in a sense, becoming a part of their family. We do not just sell our puppies and say, ‘have a nice life’.
If they are not available for you, you might wonder “why not”; do they have the knowledge and expertise to answer your questions and concerns? Please open and print out the Shih Tzu questionaire. Fill it out and return if to me you are interested in a Sapphire Shih Tzu puppy. At that point, you and I will visit by phone so I may ask questions and explain more about my puppy care requirements, and you may ask any questions of me.
The following pictures are of past puppies, not babies I currently have in the house. Most all newborns look alike, so these pictures are examples of what my babies look like. Please phone or email me if you are wanting information as to whether I have any current babies.